

Soft Power Superpowers: Cultural and National Assets of Japan and the United States

Eds. Yasushi Watanabe and David McConnell
Published: M.E. Sharpe, 2008

Kaori Kuroda and Katsuji Imata contributed the chapter 15, ‘Soft Power of NGOs: Growing Influence Beyond National Boundaries.’

Japan Forum Volume 15 No. 2 2003: Japan’s Pursuit of a Human Security Agenda

British Association for Japanese Studies, 2003
Published: Taylor & Francis Ltd

Kaori Kuroda contributed a chapter ‘Japan-based non-governmental organizations in pursuit of human security.’

‘informed’ NGO Funding and Policy Bulletin

INTRAC-NGO Research Programme
Bulletin No. 8, May 2003
Edited by Vicky Brehm

Kaori Kuroda contributed a chapter ‘Current Issues Facing the Japanese NGO Sector.’

Booklet Series

Community Power Assessmment Tool

CSO Network Japan, 2016


At NCVO (National Council for Voluntary Organizations) research conference at Sheffield University in U.K. on September 1-2, 2004.

“The Role of Multinational NGOs within Shifting Development Paradigms –
Case from Japan”

At ARNOVA (Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action) Annual Conference, November 20-22, 2003, Denver, United States ARNOVA 2003

“Evolution of ‘Legitimacy’ Discussion of International Development NGOs and its Absence in Japan”

At ARNOVA Annual Conference, November 14-16, 2002, Montreal, Canada

‘Shifting Paradigms for International NGOs and Constituency Building – Evolving Scene from Japan’ at ARNOVA 2002
