Soft Power Superpowers: Cultural and National Assets of Japan and the United States
Eds. Yasushi Watanabe and David McConnell
Published: M.E. Sharpe, 2008
Kaori Kuroda and Katsuji Imata contributed the chapter 15, ‘Soft Power of NGOs: Growing Influence Beyond National Boundaries.’
Japan Forum Volume 15 No. 2 2003: Japan’s Pursuit of a Human Security Agenda
British Association for Japanese Studies, 2003
Published: Taylor & Francis Ltd
Kaori Kuroda contributed a chapter ‘Japan-based non-governmental organizations in pursuit of human security.’
‘informed’ NGO Funding and Policy Bulletin
INTRAC-NGO Research Programme
Bulletin No. 8, May 2003
Edited by Vicky Brehm
Kaori Kuroda contributed a chapter ‘Current Issues Facing the Japanese NGO Sector.’
Booklet Series
Sustainable Public Procurement(SPP) In the Era of SDGs – Global Trend and Status in Japan –
CSO Network Japan, 2017
Community Power Assessmment Tool
CSO Network Japan, 2016
At NCVO (National Council for Voluntary Organizations) research conference at Sheffield University in U.K. on September 1-2, 2004.
“The Role of Multinational NGOs within Shifting Development Paradigms –
Case from Japan”
At ARNOVA (Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action) Annual Conference, November 20-22, 2003, Denver, United States ARNOVA 2003
“Evolution of ‘Legitimacy’ Discussion of International Development NGOs and its Absence in Japan”
At ARNOVA Annual Conference, November 14-16, 2002, Montreal, Canada
‘Shifting Paradigms for International NGOs and Constituency Building – Evolving Scene from Japan’ at ARNOVA 2002