Community-based SMEs

Saga Prefecture
Case Study #4

Creating a valuable future for the benefit of society as a community-based company

Tanida Construction Co., Ltd

It was founded in 1973 as a civil engineering business in the construction business. Subsequently, it began dealing in industrial waste in response to changes in the times and social needs, and in 1989 was established as Tanida Construction Co., Ltd. Masayuki Tanida, president and CEO, told us, “We want to contribute to the community by working to help people in need and difficulties in the community.” He spoke about the change of business since the founding of the company, the nurturing of employees, feelings towards local community, and his determination to entrust them to the next generation.

Recognition from Hearing

Points and the necessary support for initiatives that lead to the improvement of sustainability of SMEs with close ties to the community

• Collaborative research and research between community-based enterprises and universities is considered to be a win-win relationship between enterprises that require R & D to develop their business and universities that require research targets and their application and contribution to society. Since many of the joint surveys and research projects seem to be triggered by human networks, the fact that such a relationship is created in the region may lead to more joint surveys and research.

• During Tanida’s talk, there was a story of a new employee who had resigned in a short period of time. One of the reasons was that there were no peers of the same generation in the workplace. The number of young new employees was small at other companies that we spoke to. As the number of young people working in the region decreases, opportunities for interaction and training for the younger generation as a region beyond a single company may lead to the establishment of such opportunities in the workplace. We would also like to think about a mechanism where people in the same generation can share their worries and education and develop their talents in the region.

• As Tanida’s mentions. “Are SMEs supporting projects becoming one-offs?” suggests, continuous support beyond the single-financial year is required.

Linkage with the SDGs

Tanida Construction Co., Ltd.’s business, including development and sales of recycled products in waste disposal, human resource development aimed at employee self-realization, environmental considerations such as CO2 reduction, and commercialization of measures to address local problems, is an initiative that contributes to the achievement of goals 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17 of the SDGs.

(Hearing Date: July 11, 2019)

Corporate Information

Company name: Tanida Construction Co., Ltd.
Date of establishment: 1989
President and CEO: Masayuki Tanida
Head Office: 3180-4 Yamatocho, Oaza Kuruma, Saga Prefecture
Capital: 5 million yen
Business Activities:
– General construction business
– Disassembly and dismantling business
– Industrial waste disposal business
– Estate liquidation business
– Antique sales
Number of employees: 35
